The security challenges we are still talking about
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The security challenges we are still talking about

A few weeks back, I supported a security summit as the master of ceremonies.  It’s been quite a while since I’ve been to a conference so I was soaking in the content between introducing great speakers and spruiking about feedback forms.   The presenters and panellists generously shared their experience and recommended activities that have worked for them.  But, for me, what I also found thought provoking was what came after the presentations....  

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Fishing on a Friday?
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Fishing on a Friday?

Recently, I was sitting on a panel alongside three other panellists who work in large corporates. We were discussing the role of gender in cyber security. Amongst other things, we were asked “what do you do to help support women in your organisation?”. 

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Does your recruiter help or hinder when hiring a security leader?
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Does your recruiter help or hinder when hiring a security leader?

There is significant value in preparing for what the future security of the organisation will look like and therefore what type of leader you need. If you can, do this preparation and conduct the recruitment in house with your HR/talent team to support you to find the right candidate. However, if you are considering using third-party recruiters, here are some things to keep in mind...

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Top 3 reasons to keep your coach
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Top 3 reasons to keep your coach

Unlike in sport, often once an executive coaching program is deemed complete, the relationship ends. There might be a call here or email there to follow up or touch base but more often than not, the coach and the counterpart part ways. If you need some encouragement to re-engage your coach, here are 3 great reasons to feed and water your coaching relationship and keep it alive.

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